Friday, June 5, 2009

GardenPictures2009 - Part5(Tomatoes,Peppers and EggPlants)

1. Peppers: Green Peppers and Sweet Bannana Peppers. None of them bloomed yet.
I couldn't get green pepper germinate at home even with zip lock method. I gave seed to friend of mine who got them germinated and gave me the plants. Sweet Bannan Peppers germinated very fast. I soaked them in water for a day and got them germinated on top of my cable box.

2.EggPlant: Not very healthy. Lot of holes in leaves. May be infected.Got them germinated using zip lock method and then keeping them on top of cable box.

3.First Tomato: I didn't start any tomato plant but a friend of mine gave this plant and its already giving the first tomato. Very happy to see the first tomato of the season.

1 comment:

  1. good work dg where do you get time for all this and great pictures.. was waiting for so long to see these..keep them coming ..of these which is lucky's plant ?!! you should put up stories about chintu practicing scissors with the plants as well :-)
